Why do I blog>
I mean I'm not exactly very good at it and like with most things in my life I put a lot of pressure on myself when I fail at it.
It's not like it's a job and I need to do it to get paid or that I'll disappoint anyone only myself if I don't do a post.
It's not like I find it easy, I spend hour upon hour, page after page of A4 paper making notes and drafts of post, just like I did at school when I had to write an essay done. I get distracted very easily and I might start to write about one thing and more often or not I end up writing about something completely different or I get overwhelmed, start to babble, so then I'll take a break and when I get back to it everything I've written just doesn't seem relevant anymore and then I end up not posting anything at all.
Hence the long breaks.
This has happened on all my blogs and I've had a few.
I've had a blogging identity crisis.
If you've read or go back and read the first couple of post on this blog and lets face it I've only written five but in reading them you will learn a little more about me and my blogging journey.
Anyway back to my first point,
Well I believe it's my therapy and boy do I need therapy. I Thought I was doing better but I'm certain I just put all my anxieties and problems aside while I was busy moving and settling into our new home and although there is still lots to do in our new home we have settled in, the children have started their new school and are very happy and life other than a few bumps which I expect under the circumstances (I'll explain more in another post or I'll start babbling) was going ok.
Bang it just kind of happened over night the anxieties are back bring with them all the problems. I'm all over the place again. So I'm blogging again and hoping it will help.
I don't expect to get lots of followers or loads of comments although that would be nice I'm doing this for me.
I'm taking a few steps back and getting back on the Simple Abundance Path.
Thanks for listening. x
Thanks for listening. x
I blog to get the it off my shoulders to lessen the load so that I can get on with my day ... I do try to reward my friends with a splash of good stuff once in a while though ... Lol ... Otherwise we'd all be babbling wrecks ! ;D
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that aspects of your strife have moved with you ... However at least now you can see the wood for the trees ... It's no longer the half decorated half hearted DIY that is causing you grief ... Now it's time to deal with crux of the problem ... And dig out the splinter that is nibbling away in your heart ...
Big hugs to you Joanne ... Xx