Friday, 18 February 2011

My first blog post (NOT)

Hello readers, Oh I do hope I get some readers as I am going to need all the encouragement I can get to keep this blog going. Because as the title of this post suggest this is my first for this blog but not the first I have every written. I've had a blog or two, maybe more before this one but I've had trouble keeping them up for one reason or another.
I've always had good intentions when I start a blog up and I love to blog, I love to blog about my days as a mum, friend, my family, my hobbies (which I have many of). I would try and blog daily but after some time I would miss days, then the next time I would miss a week and before I knew it a month would of pased. and I wouldn't know how to come back then.

 Consequently I would give up completely and I would stay away for a while but then I would start to miss all you charming bloggers and all your amazing photo's of your hand made goodness, your beautiful, colourful, happy homes and your stories of your daily life's.  Your wonderful blogs would begin to call to me once again and then I would have something I wanted to share with you so it would start again and a new blog would be born.

I hear you asking why will this time be any different than any of those other times. Well I can't promise you anything but without boring you with all the details (yet), I'm in a very different place now, I believe I'm the happiest I've been in years, I'd even go as far as saying I haven't felt this good in years.

So I feel like this is a good time to start once again but I also know that I'm going to be very busy over the next few weeks as I am moving house, there is going to be a lot to sort out and I'm not great at organisation so please bare with me, I'll have lots to share with you and when I get into my new house. I can't think of anyone better than you creative lot to help me make this new house a HOME!

Right I'm going to be a little cheeky and ask my good friend Alex to ask her blog friends to pop across and say hello because I really am going to need lots of support and I know that you blogging girls are all very friendly.


  1. I've just been to Alex's blog and thought i'd hop over and say hi.

    Welcome back to blogland!

    X X

  2. Nice to see you back,do not worry about the big gaps in blogging,you are in good company.Have a great week end hugs Pat.
